Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Time for the Biopsy

 On Tuesday, October 28, we received a phone call from the surgeon team. We had an appointment with the surgeon team to consult with them about the taking the biopsy at 2pm on Wednesday. We met with the surgeon on Tuesday and he was very optimistic about the mass and thought maybe he could remove it and not just take a biopsy. The surgery was scheduled for 7:30 am on Thursday morning. We left the doctor's office with high hopes that this would be done and over by the weekend. We checked in our hotel, had supper at Appleby's (because that is were Amy wanted to eat, she really wanted crawfish), did some shopping and headed back to the hotel for some much needed sleep. On Thursday we arrived at the ACH at 5:30 am with Amy in good spirits, we had talked about all that she may experience and talked with nurses, doctors and anesthetist about any questions she may have. She was taken in to surgery at 7:50 am and we were told that it would take up to three hours and that we would be updated on the hour. An hour later the receptionist notified us that the Doctor needed to speak to us in the consulting room, our hearts dropped and we immediately sent up a prayer asking for peace. The Doctor told us it was not what he expected. The mass was very vascular and that she had lost more blood than expected however she did not need a transfusion. He was only able to take a small biopsy. She was doing well, her vital signs were good, but she had a chest tube that would continue to remove the blood and fluid from her chest cavity.   

1 comment:

  1. We had no Idea.. we will be praying so very hard for God's healing hand on her. .. We will keep you all in our prayers… Miss and love you all!! Love, The Keeling


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